Tag Archives: elem

Personal Chef service

Too Busy to Cook is a one-woman personal chef service based in Newton, provididng customized meals cooked in your home. She caters to busy families, friends who want to share home cooked meals and seniors. Custom meals are tailored to your tastes, schedule and dietary needs. Too Busy to Cook takes care of menu planning, shopping, cooking, packaging, labeling and reheating instructions, and leaves your kitchen at least as clean as she found it!

Bringing Families Back to the dinner table, eat healthier this year! Contact Eileen at eileenrielly@gmail.com , 617-309-0454, or visit 2busytocook.com.

Community Survey from Equity Working Group

This letter is translated into seven languages.
Этот документ переведен на семь языков. Ниже приведен русский перевод.
Este documento está traduzido em sete idiomas. Você encontrará informações em Português abaixo.
Este documento está traducido a siete idiomas. A continuación encontrarás información en español.
이 문서는 7 개 언어로 번역되었습니다. 한국어 정보는 아래에서 찾을 수 있습니다.
מסמך זה מתורגם לשבע שפות. המסמך מתורגם לעברית בהמשך.


Dear Newton Public School Families,
The Newton Public Schools Equity Working Group is looking for community feedback on questions relating to equity in PTO spending. We have developed a survey that will provide us with important information to continue our work. We would very much appreciate your assistance by answering our survey. The survey is available in amny languages. Please click here for the options:

Please click on this link to answer the survey in English: Survey
Please respond to the survey only once. It is due on June 28, 2019. Thank you for your time and effort on this project.
The Equity Working Group

区反馈。 为更好地为社区服务,我们正进行一项调查以收集信息作为下一步工作的重要
参考。 您的意见对我们来说非常重要。如果你能于百忙之中,抽出几分钟时间来填写下
请点击此链接以中文回答调查。: Survey

ミュニティからのフィードバックを探しています。 私達は私達の仕事を続けるために重要な情報を私達
に提供する調査を開発しました。 アンケートに回答していただきありがとうございます。
このリンクをクリックして日本語でアンケートに答えてください。: Survey
調査には一度だけ回答してください。 このプロジェクトにあなたの時間と努力をありがとう。

친애하는 Newton Public School Families,
Newton Public Schools Equity Working Group은 PTO 지출에 대한 형평성과 관련된 질문에 대한 커뮤니티
피드백을 찾고 있습니다. 우리는 작업을 계속하기 위해 중요한 정보를 제공 할 수있는 설문 조사를
개발했습니다. 설문 조사에 응 해주셔서 감사드립니다.
한국어로 설문에 응답하려면이 링크를 클릭하십시오. : Survey
주식 워킹 그룹
Уважаемые семьи Ньютона,
Рабочая группа по вопросам справедливости в государственных школах Ньютона ищет отзывы
сообщества по вопросам, касающимся справедливости расходов на ВОМ. Мы разработали опрос,
который предоставит нам важную информацию для продолжения нашей работы. Мы будем очень
признательны за вашу помощь, ответив на наш опрос.
Пожалуйста, нажмите на эту ссылку, чтобы ответить на опрос на русском языке.
Пожалуйста, ответьте на опрос только один раз. Он должен состояться 28 июня 2019 года.
Спасибо за ваше время и усилия по этому проекту.
С уважением,
Рабочая группа по акциям
Estimadas familias de Newton Public School,
El Grupo de Trabajo de Equidad de las Escuelas Públicas de Newton está buscando comentarios de la comunidad sobre cuestiones relacionadas con la equidad en el gasto de la PTO. Hemos desarrollado una encuesta que nos proporcionará información importante para continuar nuestro trabajo.
Agradeceríamos mucho su ayuda al responder nuestra encuesta.
Por favor haga clic en este enlace para responder la encuesta en español.
Por favor responde a la encuesta una sola vez. Se debe entregar el 28 de junio de 2019. Gracias por su tiempo y esfuerzo en este proyecto.
El Grupo de Trabajo de Equidad
Caro Newton Public School Families,
O Grupo de Trabalho de Equidade de Escolas Públicas de Newton está procurando por feedback da comunidade sobre questões relacionadas à equidade nos gastos com PTO. Desenvolvemos uma pesquisa que nos fornecerá informações importantes para continuar nosso trabalho. Agradeceríamos muito sua ajuda respondendo nossa pesquisa.
Por favor, clique neste link para responder a pesquisa em Português.
Responda à pesquisa apenas uma vez. É devido em 28 de junho de 2019. Obrigado pelo seu tempo e esforço neste projeto.
O Grupo de Trabalho de Equidade

America Meditates in Newton

America Meditates is a nationwide peace initiative to help create a stress free and violent free society. Studies have shown that group meditation can lead to a less violent and healthier society overall. This is a very good opportunity to come meditate, feel rejuvenated and inspired to stand together for the wellbeing of all.

The attached flyer contains additional information and registration information: America Meditates.

Boston Athletic Training Open House

The upcoming open house will include free group training, prize giveaways and information about summer programming. BAT offers training for all athletes in both Speed + Agility and Strength & Conditioning. They also offer high quality skills training for both football and basketball players!

All athletes ages 8+

June 22nd, 4:00 – 5:00 pm
Newton South High School, 140 Brandeis Road

Vanessa Trien and the Jumping Monkeys Summer Kickoff Concert at City Hall!

All are invited to the War Memorial at City Hall as we blast into summer with Newton Free Library’s annual kickoff. Learn about the wonderful programs and reading opportunities revolving around the theme of space!

Vanessa Trien and her band the Jumping Monkeys will be performing a highly interactive and energetic show, featuring plenty of group singing and movement. For all ages. View the flyer here: Summer Kickoff.

June 18th, 5:30 pm
Newton City Hall

Summer Reading Lists

Summer is a wonderful time for students to relax and read books they enjoy!

The district has created a webpage with recommendations for summer reading for elementary schools. For middle and high schools, you will find summer reading assignments, as well as suggestions for books in a whole variety of genres.

Here is the link: http://bit.ly/newtonsummerbooks2019

There is something for everyone! Enjoy your summer and happy reading!

Dinner on the Farm July 22nd

Join the annual Dinner on the Farm,  an evening of great food with friends of the Farm. Enjoy one-of-a kind outdoor dining experience and connect with other community farm supporters.

As the sun sets on the 2.5-acre farm, you will be treated to a seasonal, produce-forward menu prepared by Gourmet Catering. Live old-time string music will be provided by local favorites, the Dixie Butterhounds.

Proceeds from the evening will support Newton Community Farm’s mission to promote a sustainable, agricultural community. For tickets, please visit www.newtoncommunityfarm.org.

July 22nd, 6:00 – 8:30 pm
Newton Community Fram
303 Nahanton Street, Newton

Babysitter available

Talia Raffel,  a 16 year old rising junior at Newton South High School, has been babysitting for 5 years. She has CIT experiences and first aid and CPR training. Talia loves doing crafts and being creative and with a flexible summer schedule, she can be available most of the time.  Please contact her via email at Talia.babysits@gmail.com, references available upon request.