Tag Archives: elem

Tutor available

Duer McLanahan’s native language is American English and he holds these Massachusetts Teaching Licenses: Elementary Grades 1-6; Special Education: Moderate Disabilities, Grades Pre-K—8.

Available by appointment for all school grades to tutor: English, reading recovery, reading comprehension, writing: expository, creative; Mandarin fluency; General Curriculum Humanities, Biology, Science, Guitar Playing, Drama, Mnemonic Memorization.

Résumé and additional information available by request. Please contact Duer at 617-817-3440 or duermclanahan@gmail.com.

Letter from the Superintendent

Dear NPS Families,

I write to you to share information on the precautions we are taking in the Newton Public Schools related to EEE and West Nile Virus. Newton remains a LOW risk community in the state for both EEE and WNV. Given the LOW risk level, the Newton Health and Human Services Department advises precautions as listed in the attached fact sheet.

NPS has taken the following actions given the elevated risk levels in other parts of the state:

  • Outdoor field trips to locations in “high” or “critical” risk areas have been cancelled.
  • Planned outdoor evening activities will be moved indoors if possible. If held outside, the Newton Health and Human Services Department advises wearing insect repellant and long sleeves/pants. (Parents/caregivers should apply/provide repellant.)
  • At this time, the Newton Health and Human Services Department is not advising cancelling outdoor evening activities.
  • At this time, outdoor activities during the day (recess and physical education) do not require modification.
  • Should the risk level change, these actions will be re-evaluated.

For more information, please visit:



We will continue to work closely with our partners in the Newton Health and Human Services Department to monitor the situation and will make adjustments as necessary. Newton HHS is working together with the Massachusetts Department of Public Health and the East Middlesex Mosquito Control Project to assess the situation in our community. We will keep you updated as new information becomes available.


David Fleishman

FAQ Mosquitoes 9.10.19.pdf

Newton Child Assault Prevention (CAP) Program Seeking Volunteers

Do you have two-three mornings a month free during the school year? Are you looking for a meaningful and fun way to make a difference in children’s lives? If so, then join this dynamic team of trained CAP volunteers who are committed to using guided discussions and role plays to teach elementary age children in the Newton Schools that they have the right to be Safe, Strong and Free with their friends and peers, when they meet adult strangers, and with those who are trusted to take care of them.

The program is now accepting applications for the 2019-2020 school year. The next training begins on October 20th. For more information or an application, please visit the website at http://familyaccess.org/family-support/child-assault-prevention/ or contact Gail Sommer at 617-969-5906, ext. 143 or gsommer@familyaccess.org.

Newton’s One-to-One Program

Newton’s One-to-One Program, our very own “Big Brother/Sister Program” has been matching wonderful high schoolers with children in grades one through five for over 30 years.

If you think your elementary aged child would benefit from a mentor in their life and you can you commit 2.5 hours each week to have your child meet with a high school mentor from November to May – Please contact Rebecca Young, Program Coordinator, at rebecca_young@newton.k12.ma.us or 617-315-8733.

Newton’s Top Chefs Cook for a Great Cause: Tickets on sale September 9th

Newton’s Community Table (NCT) fundraiser is a unique event where guests can experience the tastes of some of Newton’s best restaurants and feel good knowing that all proceeds will go to benefit our community.

NCT will feature Newton’s finest chefs and the support of over 200 Newton businesses. Chefs from Lumiere, Sycamore, Farmstead Table, Central, Fiorella’s, Olivia’s Bistro, and Comedor will be offering up their favorite dishes while guests enjoy music from a jazz band, and bid on donations from local businesses. The 2017 event raised over $40,000 through ticket sales and event related donations, with all proceeds benefiting the Newton Food Pantry.

Join in as the community comes together for a night of fabulous food while helping fight hunger right in our neighborhood. A special thanks to the generous corporate sponsors: Wegmans, Village Bank, Eastern Bank, Youngblood Builders, and Aronson Insurance.

Please visit newtonfoodpantry.org for details and tickets. This event will sell out quickly, so don’t wait to purchase your ticket!

October 17th, 6:30 – 9:30 pm
The Windsor Club, 1601 Beacon Street, Waban

Next Meeting of GN School Connections September 12th

Green Newton School Connections provides a forum for parents, students and educators to promote sustainability in the classroom and beyond. All are welcome to participate to share experiences and ideas that support the implementation of green initiatives in our schools.

Recent initiatives:

  • GN School Connections petitioned the Newton School Committee about the need to improve recycling in Newton’s schools, and the committee adopted a new school recycling policy in the spring of 2019.
  • Advocacy that was instrumental in getting the city to consider environmental practices and waste reduction in schools with the selection of a new food service vendor, Whitsons. Representatives will participate in discussions with the City to improve food quality and sustainability in school cafeterias.
  • GN School Connections worked with city leaders to submit a state grant application to support the expansion of the school recycling program and is also advocating for the city’s approval to set up textile recycling collection containers outside of each school building.

For more information contact schoolconnections@greennewton.org or visit the GN School Connections website.

Next meetings are September 12th and October 10th, 3:45 – 5:00 pm in the third-floor arc area of the Newton Free Library, 330 Homer Street

Marijuana is Legal: Now What?

Marijuana is Legal: Now What? Newton Wellesley Hospital presents a community forum on the legalization of marijuana discussing risks and possible medical benefits. Join a lively evening of expert information including questions answered. For more information, click here: flyer or visit www.newtonma.gov/NewtonPath.

September 18th, 6:30 – 8:30 pm
Newton Wellesley Hospital, Shipley Auditorium

Planning for Arts & Culture in Newton – Please take a brief survey

The City of Newton is currently undertaking a 7-month planning process to create a Comprehensive Arts & Cultural Plan for the City.

The plan, entitled Create Newton, will identify all of Newton’s arts and cultural assets – from our buildings and non-profits, to the events and festivals we host, to the local traditions and initiatives in our villages and neighborhoods. We will explore how arts and cultural goals and interests are aligned with our businesses, recreational opportunities, and commercial districts, and identify goals, set out recommendations, and seek opportunities to collaborate and expand our pool of funding.

Input from parents, and children 12 years and older, who enjoy Newton’s arts and cultural events is greatly valued.

If you haven’t already, please take 10 minutes to complete this anonymous survey to assist in the planning process: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/QWJW2QH

Please note that the survey is best taken on your computer and not on your smart phone or smaller device. Thank you for your time and input!

Newton’s Community Design for Arts & Culture Committee

Is your son or daughter interested in Cub Scouts?

See if Cub Scouts would be a good fit for you and your family at an Open House for Boys and Girls, K-5, and their families.

Cub Scouts is a worldwide program with deep history, created to help prepare our children for their future by teaching a variety of life skills including personal and civic responsibility, ethical and moral decision making, and goal setting and achievement. This program is a wonderful way to bring together families–boys, girls, siblings, and parents/ caregivers, through structured activities which promote: confidence and self esteem building, good sportsmanship, environmental protection and outdoor skills. During the school year families will participate in a number of fun and educational experiences with games, speakers, field trips, and camping oriented activities.

Open House for prospective and new scouts September 18th, 7:00 – 8:00 pm, Waban Library Center, 1608 Beacon Street.

First meeting for new and returning scouts September 24th, 7:00 – 8:00 pm, Waban Library Center, 1608 Beacon Street.

Starting in October monthly meetings are the 2nd Wednesday night of each month,  7:00 – 8:00 pm, Waban Library Center, 1608 Beacon Street.

If you have questions, please email Rowell Levy at cubmaster@cubscoutpack208.org.

Waban Library Center 10th Anniversary Celebration

The Waban Library Center is celebrating its 10th Anniversary. Please join everyone at the WLC to celebrate this exciting milestone! This is a free community event open to everyone of all ages. Join for refreshments, games, entertainment, raffle, and a visit from Mayor Ruthanne Fuller!  For more information, please visit www.wabanlibrarycenter.org.

September 21st, 4:00 – 6:00 pm
1608 Beacon Street,  Waban