Tag Archives: elem

Building Resiliency and Managing Anxiety Speaker Series

Come to one or both of the presentations:

Dr. Julie Edmunds and Ms. Jennifer Dirga will lead a panel discussion on how to develop skills to manage anxiety and the different aspects of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), providing education for and practical tips for parents. Dr. Edmunds is an assistant in Psychology at MGH and an Instructor of Psychology in the Department of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, specializing in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for children, adolescents, and young adults with anxiety, mood, and behavioral disorders. Ms. Jennifer Dirga MSW, LICSW. was the Director of Social-Emotional and Learning at Project Adventure and a former MAA School Counselor.

Jessica Minahan will speak about how parents can help children reduce and manage anxiety. Ms. Minahan is a licensed and board-certified behavior analyst (BCBA), author, special educator, and consultant to schools. Since 2000 she has worked with students who struggle with mental health issues and challenging behavior in school systems.

For more information and to register for this free series click here https://www.maa.school/apps/form/speakerseries?fbclid=IwAR2S2-M8UtLYJXWp_ViRMo26F_6dKuhVVtIH1jtynF8bpGdwtm0FT9lL588

October 15th, 7:00 – 9:00 pm and December 4th, 6:00 – 8:00 pm
Mount Alvernia Academy, 20 Manet Road, Chestnut Hill

Newton Youth Lacrosse – LEARN TO LAX

Learn to Lax is a FREE introduction to boys lacrosse for those looking to learn the
sport in a safe, fun environment. Newton Youth Lacrosse will offer small group introductory coaching from experienced coaches that include former high school and college players.

These new players will be introduced to lacrosse and learn some of the basics,
including throwing, catching, and ground balls that will start to build confidence
with the intent of leading your child into the upcoming season (their first).
The fastest sport on two feet is also one of the fastest growing sports in America.
Newton Youth Lacrosse is excited to be one of the largest town youth lacrosse
programs in New England leading that charge.

For beginner boys lacrosse players, Grades 1 – 8 (Newton Residents or attending
school in Newton).  No gear is required. Players are just asked to arrive with
sneakers laced up and a positive attitude ready to participate in an hour and a half
of fun and memorable skills training. For questions feel free to email newtonlaxU11@gmail.com or visit www.NewtonYouthLacrosse.com

REGISTER: Please send your child’s name, school, and current grade to
newtonlaxU11@gmail.com While there is no cost associated, registration is appreciated so that they can plan appropriately.

October 27th, 10:00 – 11:30 am (please arrive 15 minutes early)
McGrath Field, 1600 Washington Street, Newton
Cost: FREE

West Suburban YMCA seeking childcare professionals

The West Suburban YMCA is  a non-profit whose mission is to strengthen the foundations of our community by supporting youth development, healthy living and social responsibility for all.

They are currently seeking applicants with backgrounds in early education or childcare and are looking to immediately fill part-time and full-time positions within the preschool, afterschool, and Kids’ Corner programs. Work with other like-minded professionals in a fun organization where you can make a difference in a child’s life.

Open positions include EEC Certified Lead Teacher, EEC Certified Teacher, Afterschool Program Group Leaders, and Kids’ Corner Program Staff.

Employees of the Y receive great benefits, a free membership, professional development opportunities, and more. The Y is located at 276 Church Street in Newton Corner.

To view all employment opportunities and submit and application, please visit wsymca.org/careers and click “Apply Today.” For more information, please contact Laura Snow at lauras@wsymca.org.

Next Level Up Tutoring

Next Level Up Tutoring is celebrating their 10th year of motivating and tutoring Pre-K to College students in Newton. They strive for every student to become the best version of themselves and experienced tutors and academic coaches can help with subjects ranging from all levels of Math, to Writing and Reading, to Physics or Chemistry.

With an eye on the future, their processed based, individualized approach will also improve students’ organizational, time management, and study skills. Additionally, Next level Up provided clear perspective to all of our students. Contact them for a free initial meeting by email info@nextleveluptutoring.com or phone 781-540-1123 or visit www.nextleveluptutoring.com for additionl information.

Fall Basketball Clinic

Boston Athletic Training will be hosting a 4 week basketball clinic for boys and girls ages 7-14. They work with beginners, intermediate and advanced athletes and clinics cater to all levels, as they split the athletes up into small groups for these 2 hour sessions. Sign-up now to reserve your spot!

Registration at https://bostonathletictraining.com/current-basketball-programs/

*There is a $75.00 drop in rate if space available. For questions, please contact Chaim Andler at Chaim@bostonathletictraining.com or 857-313-8442.

September 21st and 29th, October 5th and 12th,  10:30 am – 12:30 pm
Hyde Community Center, 90 Lincoln Street, Newton Highlands

Children’s Learning, Language & Development Study Opportunity

The Cognitive Neuroscience Group at the MGH Institute of Health Professions in Boston is recruiting children between the ages of 8 and 12 years to participate in research studies funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the National Institute of Health (NIH).

Study 1: A longitudinal study that follows children over a period of 3 consecutive years. The goal is to improve understanding of learning in children. The study consists of 1 in-person visit (about 2.5 hours) per year for 3 years. During this visit, children play several games on the computer and complete several language/memory tasks. The lab visit includes safe and noninvasive EEG recording. The day after the visit, kids complete a quick follow-up task from a home/library computer. More information can be found at: https://clinicaltrials.partners.org/study/feedback_learning

Study 2: The purpose of the study is to evaluate the learning patterns of children with typical and atypical language development. The study will involve 2 visits to the lab at the MGH Institute of Health Professions. During this visit, children play several games on the computer and complete several language/memory tasks. The lab visit includes safe and noninvasive EEG recording. A visit will last about 3 hours. A week after the second lab visit your child will be asked to complete follow up tasks on a home computer or a mobile device. The study is looking for children who were late to develop language, and who still receive services for language or learning difficulties. More information can be found at: https://rally.partners.org/study/does_your_child_stru

Payment is $60.00 for each in-person visit to the lab and you receive free all-day parking at the Navy Yard. Please email cnglead@mghihp.edu or call 617-643-4821 if you are interested or have any questions.

Make your route to school safer

International Walk & Roll to School Day is coming up the first week of October. In preparation, Newton parents – what is it that keeps you or your children from walking or biking safely to your destination? Be part of the solution and alert the City of Newton via Newton 311.

Potholes, sidewalk repairs, traffic signal not working, faded or missing crosswalks, shrubs overtaking the sidewalk. Snap a photo to include if you can, note the location, and submit to Newton 311 at  https://newtonma.mycusthelp.com/webapp  You can also call 311 from your landline, 617-796-100 from cell to report problems.

Make Newton safer for everyone! Brought to you by the Newton Safe Routes to School Task Force. To learn more visit https://www.facebook.com/NewtonSafeRoutes or email newtonsaferoutes@gmail.com.

Volunteers Needed for Halloween Window Painting Contest

Beside trick-or-treating, the next best thing about Halloween in Newton is our beloved Halloween Window Painting Contest for 3rd – 8th graders, which this year is enjoying its 20th Anniversary!

The Cultural Development Office very much needs volunteers to tape up the orange assignment sheets to the village store windows on October 24th or October 25th. With hundreds of students signed up every year to paint in six villages, your help is needed to keep this wonderful community event going strong.

Please give two hours of your time, email Lori Lass at llass@newtonma.gov or call 617-796-1540.

Story Starters

Story Starters is an eight-month program that supports families to become more brave talking about race and skin color. It is a local Newton-based program for 3-5 year-old kiddos in the Newton area. It’s designed to be accessible for families who are just starting to talk about race with their kids. The program helps families of all races practice day-to-day family conversations and actions toward racial justice and equity.
Program participants receive:

  • 8 books featuring a racially diverse range of protagonists (one book a month)
  • Conversation guides for parents
  • Books lists to support further exploration and conversation
  • Additional parent resources on how to start and deepen family race conversations
  • Invitations to three family events and two parent events to build skills and foster community
  • Registration ends on September 23rd, so register today!

If you have questions about the program please contact Ellie Axe at ellie@story-starters.org. To learn more about the program visit https://www.story-starters.org/program-details.

Register here www.story-starters.org/registration-payment Participation includes suggested donation, with full and partial scholarships available.