Tag Archives: elem

Research study opportunity for student athletes

Boston University researchers are recruiting young soccer/hockey/swimming athletes for a research study to assess risk factors for hip injuries. You may be eligible if you play ice hockey, soccer, or swim; and are between the ages of 9 – 10 or 16 – 18 (for girls) and 10-11 and 16 – 18 (for boys).

The study involves 1-2 visits to BU for a hip MRI and motion capture session. All participants will receive a report from hip MRI and will be paid $75 for completing the study. Parking costs will be reimbursed and if interested, an animation from the motion capture can be provided as well. Evening and weekend appointments are available.

To see if you qualify, please contact Alex Gerononimo at 617-358-3125 or movelab@bu.edu

Newton Theatre Company presents “The Witches”

The first show of Newton Theatre Company’s seventh season is sure to be the spookiest of the year! In Roald Dahl’s The Witches, adapted by David Wood,  a young orphan boy moves in with his grandmother and becomes aware of the existence of witches. He must then do whatever it takes to stop these powerful beings from eliminating all the children in England. Appropriate for children ages six and up.

Tickets available online at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-witches-by-roald-dahl-live-theatre-production-tickets-71311644047

October 26th,  10:00 am and 1:00 pm
October 27th,  1:00 and 4:00 pm
The Union Church in Waban

Boss Lady Boxing!

Boss Lady Boxing is a boxing, strength and conditioning program for women ages 45+. Taught by national champion boxer Dena Lawton, and trainer/coach Lisa Carusone, BLB is for women looking to make mid-life their best years yet.

BLB runs for six weeks (12 sessions) Januray 6th – Februray 12th. Learn more here: http://ilovenewton.com/boss-lady-boxing/

Boston Music Institute annual competition

Boston Music Institute invites piano, string, and woodwind soloists and ensembles to participate in the 2019 Competition. The application deadline is November 11, 2019. For age categories 8-12, 13-17, and 18-25.

1st Place Award:

  • $1,000
  • Solo performance with the BMI chamber orchestra at the BMI summer concert series in 2020

2nd Place Award:

  • $1,000
  • Chamber performance at the BMI summer concert series in 2020

Apply here: Registration. More information avaialable here: BMI

Competition December 1st
Shalin Liu Performance Center

Boys and Girls in K-5, come to learn about the Cub Scouts

You are invited to see if Cub Scouts would be a good fit for you and your family!
Cub Scouts is a worldwide program with deep history, created to help prepare our children for their future by teaching a variety of life skills including personal and civic responsibility, ethical and moral decision making, and goal setting and achievement.

This program is a wonderful way to bring together families–boys, girls, siblings, and parents/ caregivers, through structured activities which promote: confidence and self esteem building, good sportsmanship, environmental protection and outdoor skills. During the school year families will participate in a number of fun and educational experiences with games, speakers, field trips, and camping oriented activities.

Everyone meets as a large group on the 2nd Wednesday of each month, there is a monthly small group meeting tbd, and not quite monthly optional adventure. If you have questions, please email the Cubmaster, Rowell Levy at Cubmaster@cubscoutspack208.org

Tutoring available

A junior at Brown University majoring in Computer Science and Economics, Matt Siff has long had a passion for helping students with a wide-range of math tutoring needs including algebra, calculus and linear algebra.  He recently started a tutoring company called Next Door Tutors which specializes in tutoring for the ACT and SAT as well as nearly any high-school subject. All of their tutors have recently gone through the college-process with an average ACT score of a 35 and offer a structured tutoring program based on students’ individual needs.

Please feel free to call Matt at 617-610-8444 or email MyNextDoorTutors@gmail.com. See the website www.MyNextDoorTutors.com for more information.

Newton Turkey Trot registration is open

Registration for the 6th annual Newton Turkey Trot is now open! This year they will be supporting two great causes: The Newton Food Pantry and the Travis Roy Foundation’s Ethan Wang Fund. Ethan is a Newton South class of 2016 graduate and Boston University political science student who survived severe spinal damage in March 2019. We are hoping for a large turn-out from our students!

Register early before the prices increase and to be guaranteed an awesome T-shirt!
Race day is November 23rd (the Saturday before Thanksgiving),  A USATF accredited 5K at 9:00 am, the kids’ 1 mile fun run at 8:30 am. Details, registration and volunteer info at http://www.newtonturkeytrot.org

October 10th CPC Meeting: Webster Woods & Riverside Greenway

The Community Preservation Committee meeting includes an announcement by Mayor Ruthanne Fuller about the preservation of open space at 300 Hammond Pond Parkway (“Webster Woods”) and a PUBLIC HEARING on a design funding request for the Pigeon Hill Trail portion of the proposed Riverside Greenway along the Charles River in Auburndale.

Please note that the Mayor’s announcement at this meeting is not a public hearing. The CPC will follow its usual public notice, public access, and public hearing process for the anticipated Webster Woods funding request. For details see www.newtonma.gov/cpa or contact Alice Ingerson at aingerson@newtonma.gov or 617-796-1144.

October 10th, 7:00 pm, Newton City Hall City Council Chamber