Tag Archives: elem

Do you have a child that loves to sing and perform?

Join VOICES Boston children’s chorus for the 2019-2020 season! VOICES Boston focuses primarily on singing and music literacy, with an added emphasis on dance technique and drama performance. VOICES Boston changes the lives of children, building confidence, discipline, leadership and a love of music that will last a lifetime.

They have ensembles for singers grades K-8 and rehearse in Brookline. VOICES Boston singers perform a wide range of repertoire, from classical to world music, gospel to new music, and even present an opera each year.

If you would like to sign up your singer for VOICES Boston or have any questions please contact Jojo Davila at programmanager@voicesboston.org or 617-735-0012. For more detailed information about past performances, staff, curriculum and more visit www.voicesboston.org.

Newton Community Preservation Committee’s next meeting December 10th

The full agenda and packet for the Community Preservation Committee’s meeting on  is now online from the program website, www.newtonma.gov/cpa. The only item other than committee business on this agenda is an informal discussion with outgoing staff about continuing program issues and “lessons learned.” For assistance, contact Alice Ingerson at aingerson@newtonma.gov or 617-796-1144

December 10th, 7:00 pm
Newton City Hall, Room 204

Come to the 2019 Newton SEPAC Social

Join your fellow parents and guardians for the 2019 Newton SEPAC Social!  Come reconnect with old friends and meet other Newton parents and guardians. Share your stories from the first half of the school year and raise a glass to the holidays! There will be a cash bar.

Please RSVP at https://forms.gle/xz6EWaoG2sgcvYda9 so they can ensure there’s enough space reserved for the group. Contact info@newtonpac.org with any questions.

December 17th, 7:00 – 9:00 pm
95 Elm Street, West Newton

School Vacation Camps

Worrying about what to do during school vacations? Don’t worry, JCC Greater Boston has got you covered with School Vacation Camp. Camp runs during the weeklong break for December, February, April and Passover vacations. Kids get to choose up to three electives daily, including sports, swimming, arts & crafts, board games and more.

Enrollment is always flexible to fit your family’s plans. Kids can join for a single day, several days or the entire week. Don’t delay in registering, as early-bird pricing for December ends on November 15th and registration closes on December 19th. Lunch and extended-day options are available at an additional cost.

Register at https://www.bostonjcc.org/summer-and-vacation-camps/school-vacation-camps

Help feed the homeless on Thanksgiving!

Drop off a dish to help feed the Boston homeless on Thanksgiving!

Gobble Gobble Give is a national effort of volunteers who prepare and assemble individual containers of Thanksgiving meals to deliver to homeless people in 16 major cities throughout the country.

Boston is one of the newest cities, and they were able to feed 300 people last year. This year the goal is 500. Let’s help them exceed their goal! You can drop off a warm dish on Thanksgiving morning or stay and help assemble containers or deliver. If you would like to help but will not be around on Thursday, please email wrwoodruff@yahoo.com to arrange to drop off a donation on Tuesday or Wednesday (something like cookies, pumpkin bread, corn muffins, pie or anything that does not need to be refrigerated).

For more information, go to https://www.gobblegobblegive.org or check the Gobble Gobble Give Boston Facebook page. The drop-off location is a small room near the entrance of the Newton Police Department at 1321 Washington Street. You can drop food off at 9:30, and assembly will begin around 10:00 am. The link below is for the signup, but you do not need to sign up in advance or commit to the dishes on the signup. Feel free to just show up with food on Thursday morning.

Give Back this Thanksgiving by feeding those in need.

Upcoming Events at Historic Newton


The free, bi-weekly Storytime program engages kids 0 months to 3 years old by focusing on literacy, Newton’s history, play, and lessons from the museums. Families are welcome to bring older siblings.

November 30, 9:30 am, the theme is “Dinosaurs.”
December 4, 10:30 am, the theme is “Dinosaurs.”
December 14th, 9:30 am, the theme is “Snow”
December 18, 10:30 am, the theme is “Snow”
Durant-Kenrick House and Grounds, 286 Waverley Avenue


Get a head start on your holiday shopping and support arts and culture in Newton at both of the museums. Meet Newton artists and authors, purchase work directly from them, and enjoy a 20% discount on merchandise at the museum shops. At the Durant-Kenrick House from 10:30 am to noon, join for “Art, Spirituality and The Power of Creativity,” an inclusive discussion with Newton artists and authors about the spiritual tones that often guide their creativity, presented with NewCity Church. For a complete schedule at each museum, visit newtonma.gov/MeetTheMakers. Admission is Free and includes museum admission. For additional iinformation please call 617-796-1450

December 1, 10:30 am – 3:00 pm
Jackson Homestead and Museum, 527 Washington Street, and the Durant-Kenrick House and Grounds, 286 Waverley Avenue


Everyone is invited to enjoy free admission to the museums.

December 7th and December 8th, 10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Jackson Homestead and Museum, 527 Washington Street, and the Durant-Kenrick House and Grounds, 286 Waverley Avenue


Built in 1734, the Durant-Kenrick House was the home of families who observed the
winter holidays in different ways. Take a special tour of the house by candlelight led by
Historic Newton staff, enjoy winter caroling, and sip hot cider and cocoa. Kids can create
winter crafts, too. Register in advance through newtonma.gov/candletour or come on the day of the tour.

Admission: Adults: $15.00 non-member, $10.00 Historic Newton members and children ages 10 and over. For information please call 617-641-9142.

December 15, 4:30 – 6:00 pm
Durant-Kenrick House and Grounds, 286 Waverley Avenue

Swing’n Holidays Concert

Start a new holiday tradition this year! Enjoy the Duke Ellington Nutcracker Suite and other holiday big band favorites at the first annual Swing’n Holidays Concert, featuring Essentially Ellington award-winning Newton South Jazz Ensemble students and alumni. Bring the family! Hot chocolate, mulled cider and seasonal snacks will round off this festive musical treat. Admission: $10.00 adults, $5.00 students, kids 8 and under come in free. All proceeds will benefit the Newton Music Ambassadors Scholarship Fund.

December 19th,  7:00 pm
Newton South High School Auditorium, 140 Brandeis Road

Helping Families to Preempt Racial Bias

Story Starters invites kindergarten families in Newton area elementary schools to their five month program that supports families in being color brave.

Story Starters gives families of all races age-appropriate tools and skills to preempt racial bias and build community change. Story Starters’ at-home curriculum helps 3- to 6-year-olds and their families build empathy, support connection, and get into the habit of talking about race. For more details about the program, visit www.story-starters.org.

Registration is OPEN now until January 2nd and there will be an Open House at the Auburndale Library for any interested families who want to learn more.

See the flyer for information Story Starters

Open House December 10th,  5:00 – 6:30 pm (pizza included!)
Program kickoff event January 12th, 3:30 – 5:00 pm

Save the Date March 28th

Save the date for the Help Light the Way Gala. This event will raise funds to purchase and install permanent lights for the sports stadium at Newton South. The night will include a silent and live auction, as well as lots of raffles. Volunteers are needed to serve on the solicitation committee.

Co-chairs, Bella Gelman and Penelope Nam-Stephen are planning a fun night for the  community. Please contact them if you are able to work on this campaign. For more info email either Bella.Gelman@gmail.com or Penelope.NamStephen@gmail.com

Newton Youth Lacrosse Registration Is Open

Boy Lacrosse Registration for the Spring ‘20 season is open!!

Registration is for boys in grades 1 – 8. Whether your child is a returning player or is a new to the game, Newton Youth Lacrosse is looking forward to seeing familiar faces and new ones for the upcoming season. More details available on https://www.leagueathletics.com/Default.asp?org=newtonyouthlacrosse.com

Why register so early? Yes, it’s early to be planning for the spring. However, the league is required by the Mass Bay Youth Lacrosse League to enter teams in mid-January.