Tag Archives: elem

Registration for Newton SouthEast Little League (NSELL) is open!

Registration for new and returning players for Newton SouthEast Little League’s Spring 2020 season is now open. NSELL runs several programs in the spring, including T-ball (kindergarten and younger), Farm (1st and 2nd Grade), Minors (AA and AAA) and Majors.

Please visit the NSELL website for additional details about the programs or click here TO REGISTER. If you have any questions, please contact info@newsoutheastll.org .

New Mathnasium locaction

Mathnasium of West Newton has just opened on 111 Elm Street, right around the corner from Blue Ribbon BBQ. They offer math enrichment for Grades 1-8 with individualized learning plans, custom assessments, and one-on-one instruction and help to make math fun and make math make sense!

Take advantage of their free math consultation for all students. The education directors will work with your child for an hour then talk with you about an assessment of their strengths and weaknesses and put together a personalized learning plan for your child! Just fill out this form: https://forms.gle/yEycS3eY1ARsA3pq5 and they’ll be in touch with you.

Promote sustainability – check out School Connections

Join the next School Connections meeting. All are welcome to participate to share experiences and ideas. This group provides a forum for parents, students and educators to promote sustainability in Newton’s schools.

If your school does not yet have a Green Team, they can help to establish one. Representatives of the group participate in discussions to improve food quality and sustainability in school cafeterias and are also advocating for more in-depth climate science to be taught in our schools, as well as setting up textile recycling collection containers outside of each school building.

For more information contact schoolconnections@greennewton.org.

January 9th, 3:45 – 5:00 pm
Newton Free Library, third floor arc area

Learn about Basic Rights in Special Education

Please join the Newton Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC) for a presentation and discussion about Basic Rights in Special Education with Tim Sindelar, a Newton lawyer specializing in representing children and adults with disabilities. This event is geared towards parents new to special education, and for those who would like to know more about their basic rights.

No RSVP necessary. Questions? Please contact Newton SEPAC Board Member Eliza Spaulding at spaulding@newtonsepac.org.

January 15th, 7:30 – 9:00 pm
Newton Education Center, 100 Walnut Street, Room 210

Free Basketball Session This Sunday

BAT (Boston Athletic Training) is excited to announce their upcoming FREE group training sessions.  Come for the free training and bring along some friends and teammates!  From 10:30 – 11:30 am, athletes ages 7-12 are invited to train with the BAT coaches to learn the fundamentals of the game and experience many of the same drills that they do in the Saturday clinics.  At 11:30, they will welcome athletes ages 13+ to experience more advanced training drills.

To sign up, simply respond with a yes via email to chaim@bostonathletictraining.com or call 857-313-8442.

January 12th,  10:30 – 12:30 (as described above)
The Hyde Center, Newton Highlands

Learn to Skate – January 18th to March 14th

Registration is open for Newton Youth Hockey’s second session of Learn to Skate. This program is designed for children aged 3.5 to 10 and runs for nine weeks starting January 18th. Sessions take place on Saturdays from 4:00 – 4:50 pm at Daly Rink, 4 Nonantum Road, Newton.

For more information or to register, please visit http://www.newtonyouthhockey.com or contact intramuralvp@newtonyouthhockey.com.

Historic Newton events in January

Everyone is invited to enjoy free admission to the museums.
January 4th and January 5th, 10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Jackson Homestead and Museum, 527 Washington Street
Durant-Kenrick House and Grounds, 286 Waverley Avenue
For information, call 617-796-1450

The free, bi-weekly Storytime program engages kids 0 months to 3 years old by focusing on literacy, Newton’s history, play, and lessons from the museums. Families are welcome to bring older siblings. The theme is “Color.”
January 4th, 9:30 am
Jackson Homestead and Museum, 527 Washington Street
For information, call 617-796-1450

The free, bi-weekly Storytime program engages kids 0 months to 3 years old by focusing on literacy, Newton’s history, play, and lessons from the museums. Families are welcome to bring older siblings. The theme is “Color.”
January 8th, 10:30 am
Durant-Kenrick House and Grounds, 286 Waverley Avenue
For information, call 617-641-9142

The free, bi-weekly Storytime program engages kids 0 months to 3 years old by focusing on literacy, Newton’s history, play, and lessons from the museums. Families are welcome to bring older siblings. The theme is “Diversity.”
January 18, 9:30 am
Jackson Homestead and Museum, 527 Washington Street

The free, bi-weekly Storytime program engages kids 0 months to 3 years old by focusing on literacy, Newton’s history, play, and lessons from the museums. Families are welcome to bring older siblings. The theme is “Diversity.”
January 22, 10:30 a.m.
Durant-Kenrick House and Grounds, 286 Waverley Avenue


As 2019 comes to a close, want to thank someone special at your child’s school?

Understanding our Differences (UOD), the leader in disability awareness education, provides UOD units in all 15 Newton elementary schools to 3,000 students. They couldn’t do it without all of the wonderful parent volunteers – many thanks!

UOD is an independent 501(c)(3) nonprofit that receives less than one-quarter of needed funding from the Newton Public Schools. That’s why they depend on donations made by people like you, who believe in this work, to meet their budget each year.

As 2019 comes to a close, why not make a donation in honor of someone special at your child’s school? You can honor a teacher, specialist, aide, principal, a UOD program speaker, or a UOD volunteer or coordinator. Please take this moment to support Understanding Our Differences by clicking here to make your donation now.

If you prefer to give by check, please mail to UOD at PO Box 600671, Newton 02460 with a note indicating your honoree. Many thanks!

News from Newton Schools Foundation (NSF)

Season’s Greetings on behalf of NSF!

Last year, your generous donations provided $155,000 to support the 12,000+ students in Newton’s public schools. This allowed NSF to fund over 20 grants in three areas of focus: New and Promising Programs, Professional Development, and Achievement and Opportunity Gap. These funds are critical to Newton Public Schools’ ability to provide programs that differentiate our school system.

Please consider Newton Schools Foundation in your year-end giving. As we enter the holiday season, the Foundation is ever thankful for the collaborative spirit and support of  donors like you. Your gift today will have an immediate impact on the children and teachers in our community. Thank you for making a difference in our school system. Click HERE to support Newton Schools Foundation.