Tag Archives: elem

Support Climate Change Education in Newton Schools!

‪According to a NPR/Ipsos national poll, over 80% of parents support schools teaching about climate change – yet less than half of teachers report doing so.

If you would like to see climate change curriculum brought into the K-12 curriculum at all grade levels and across subject areas within Newton Public Schools, please consider joining other parents, students, and educators in signing this petition: http://chng.it/5n6hcSM8kc

Feel free to leave a comment at the bottom of the petition about who you are and why you are signing.  This petition can be signed by adults and kids, so please spread the word to your friends and family!

Postcard writing meeting

Moms Demand Action is meeting to write postcards to personally deliver to MA legislators in support of three Gun Violence Prevention Bills currently awaiting action in the Joint Committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security!  Information on the bills and sample language will be provided, so no homework is necessary! Please RSVP here: Postcards

January 16th, 7:00 – 8:30 pm‬
‪French Press Bakery and Cafe, 74 Chapel Street, Needham

MLK Day Art Program for Grades K-5

Join a day of art-making and friend-making! All participants will explore 2D (drawing and painting), 3D (sculpture), ceramics and performing arts, in groups divided by age. The day will be packed with possibilities for creativity and fun. Please bring a lunch and 2 snacks. For grades K – 5.

Register at https://newartcenter.org/product/mlk-day-art-program-gr-k-5-monday-nac-faculty/

January 20th, 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
The New Art Center, 61 Washington Park, Newton

Congratulations, Newton South High School Jazz!

Congratulations to both the Newton South Jazz Ensemble and the Newton South Jazz Combo, who have won highly coveted places as finalists at the 12th Annual Charles Mingus Festival and High School Competition! Only 12 finalist ensembles are chosen from across the country, three in each category of Big Band, Combo, and Specialized School or Program Big Band and Combo. Newton South is the only non-performing-arts-specialized high school in the US to have won two places in this line up!

The competition takes place in NYC on February 16th, during February vacation, and is free and open to the public, if you would like to come and cheer on our students. Click here for more information.

Closer to home, you can enjoy their performances at the upcoming Winterfest II concert in the Newton South Seasholes Auditorium on January 23rd at 7:00 pm.

The Newton South Jazz Ensemble was also recently highlighted in a Boston Globe article about their Swingn’ Holidays concert in December, and the cause they were raising funds for – the Newton Music Ambassadors’ trip to Panama next week. Click here to read the article.

Community Preservation Committee’s two upcoming meetings

The Community Preservation Committee will consider converting to debt financing the portions of the CPA funding for 300 Hammond Pond Parkway (“Webster Woods”) previously recommended for direct funding. This revision would affect no other provision of the previous CPC recommendation or City Council orders for this project.

January 14th, 7:00 pm, Newton City Hall Room 204

The Newton Housing Authority’s proposal for accepting the affordable housing portfolio developed by CAN-DO is scheduled for a joint public hearing with the CPC (for a $1.5 million CPA request) and the Planning & Development Board (for a $426,744 CDBG request).  Your written comments must be received by January 24th for forwarding ahead of this meeting.

February 11th, 7:00 pm, Newton Senior Center, 345 Walnut Street, Newtonville

Both the January 14th meeting packet and the Housing Authority proposal are available from www.newtonma.gov/cpa. For assistance, contact Alice Ingerson at aingerson@newtonma.gov or 617-796-1144.

JCC Greater Boston Showstoppers

Registration is filling up for the Showstoppers’ winter program! Chitty Chitty Bang Bang is a rollicking, one-hour show written by the Sherman brothers (of Mary Poppins fame).

The program is open to children in grades 2-9 and every child has a place to shine. Go to bostonjcc.org/showstoppers to reserve your spot and hurry! Registration closes on January 19th.

Rehearsals are Sunday afternoons, January 26th – April 26th,  tech week is April 27th – 30th and shows will be held on May 3rd. For more information or questions, contact Betty Lehrman at showstoppers@jccgb.org or 617-588-6523.

Intelligent Lives Screening and Discussion

Join a free screening and discussion of the film Intelligent Lives. Intelligent Lives stars three pioneering young American adults with intellectual disabilities- Micah, Naieer and Naomie- who challenge the perceptions of intelligence as they navigate high school, college and the workforce.

See the trailer here: https://intelligentlives.org

An RSVP required to reserve your seat. Please register below by February 3rd. If you need assistance filling out the form, please contact info@understandingourdifferences.org or call 617-559-6075.

Link to RSVP: https://understandingourdifferences.org/intelligentlives/

February 4th, 7:00 – 9:00 pm
Druker Auditorium, Newton Free Library, 330 Homer Street, Newton

Zumba-thon To Support Hadassah’s Heart Health Program

Zumba-thon To Support Hadassah’s Heart Health Program, Every Beat Counts. You do not need to be a Hadassah member or a JCC member to participate, this event is open to the public, friends and family welcome. Featuring Zumba instructors and a Live DJ. Suggested donation: $18.00 at the door.

For more information or to register, please email groupfit@jccgb.org.

February 9th, 11:00 am – 12:30 pm
Leventhal-Sidman JCC, 333 Nahanton Street, Newton

Art with a Twist – Graffiti Inspired Art

Come to the Friday night “paint and sip” style evening with a friend, date, or your own creative spirit – no experience needed! Enjoy a relaxed setting with beer & wine as a local artist guides you to create a finished work of art. All materials provided, the price includes one drink. This event is for 21+ and your ID is required.

The theme will be Graffiti Inspired Art – An excellent class for beginning painters! Make your own street-art inspired paintings (small scale) on canvas, using brushes, acrylics and non-toxic, food-based spray paints. If you’ve ever wanted to try spray painting but were scared off by the chemicals, this is your chance to experiment! You’ll learn some layering techniques and channel them into your own original expression.

Register at https://newartcenter.org/product/art-with-a-twist-friday-wendy-shapiro/

January 24th, 7:00 – 9:00 pm
New Art Center, 61 Washington Park, Newton

Registration for Newton Youth Lacrosse is open!

Registration for the Spring  season is open!  Detail on the program and a link to register can be found on the website.

A part of the Mass Bay Youth Lacrosse League (MBYLL),  Grades 3/4 (U11), Grades 5/6 (U13) and Grades 7/8 (U15) teams play eight Sunday games beginning the first week of April. Pre-season indoor/artificial turf field practices begin late Feb/Early March .

The Grades 1/2 program (U9), an introductory “learn to play” program, is offered for young players who want to develop their fundamental skills while learning the basics of the sport, with a heavy focus on FUN!  1st grade will practice twice per week with Saturday morning in-town scrimmages, along with one or two local out-of-town games.  2nd grade will practice twice per week with 6 scheduled travel games on Sundays. Fundamentals of the game are taught by emphasizing fun and cooperation.  All Gr 1/2 players wear NYL uniforms and practice at the same time and place.

For more information on the boys program, please visit NYL’s Boys Program Overview. To register, please click here Register and follow the instructions.