Tag Archives: elem

Looking for a volunteer Community Service opportunity?

Centre Street Food Pantry is located at 11 Homer St., Newton Centre. Their mission is to provide consistent access to nutritious food to over 350 families per month in a dignified and sensitive environment.

• They serve families from Newton, Brookline, Brighton, Watertown, Waltham,
Needham, Wellesley, & West Roxbury.
• Possible times for volunteering include: Monday mornings (8:00 – 9:30 am);
Various shifts every Tuesday (11:00 am – 8:00 pm); or the 1st Saturdays of the
month (10:00 am – 2:30 pm). Shifts are 2 hours long.
• Tasks include unloading deliveries, stocking shelves, helping clients shop
at the pantry, carrying filled bags to the curb, or cleaning up.
• Volunteers must be at least 12 years old to volunteer and those 12-15 years old must be accompanied by a parent or guardian while at the pantry and during the training.
• A short one-time training is required to volunteer. Go to this webpage to register: https://www.centrestfoodpantry.org/get-involved-2
• For more information, contact Volunteer@centrestfoodpantry.org.

A Night of Dialogue and Theater: FORJ presents True Story Theater

Join FORJ (Families Organizing for Racial Justice) for True Story Theater, an engaging and interactive event.

This will be an enlivening follow-up event to the city-wide MLK celebration on Monday. With the help of the True Story Theater , the group will further explore Newton’s 2020 theme of “Know Your Neighbor”. Come learn and connect as the theater troupe performs the spectrum of our lived experiences as residents of Newton – stories that delight and challenge us to think more deeply about what it means to live in neighborhoods that are truly inclusive.

All are welcome; Suggested ages -middle school and up. RSVP HERE: True Story Theater

January 23rd  7pm -9pm
Newton North High School Little Theater,  457 Walnut Street

For more info about the organizations involved visit these websites:

Do you like a capella?

Come to the Winter Warmer featuring The Newtones of Newton South,  Northern Lights from Newton North, Noteafy from Brookline High and a bit of improv from The Children of the Candy Corn of Newton South.

Event details available here: https://www.facebook.com/events/455750398661627/
Tickets available in advance for $8.00 from a Newtones member or $10.00 at the door.

To learn more about The Newtones visit https://thenshsnewtones.weebly.com/

January 24th, 7:00 pm
Gregorian Rugs, 2284 Washington Street, Newton Lower Falls

A performance in honor of International Holocaust Remembrance Day

Composer/Vocalist (and Angier mom), Dana Sandler, will be presenting the world premiere of her new composition, I Never Saw Another Butterfly, new chamber jazz musical settings of selected children’s poetry from Terezin Concentration Camp, in honor of the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the concentration camps.

This debut performance is open to the public. For ticket information and to view the official project trailer, please visit www.danasandler.com.

January 26th,  4:00 – 5:00 pm
Temple Shalom of Newton, 175 Temple Street

What’s Happening at the West Suburban YMCA (including February Break)

MLK Day of Service Event
The Y is partnering with The Second Step to host a volunteer event on Martin Luther King Jr. Day.  Using the items collected during the recent supply drive, volunteers will sort and organize items into “blessing bags” for families in need. All are welcome to participate in this community-wide, family friendly event.  The event will start with a short presentation from The Second Step at 10:00 am, followed by bag stuffing (Note:  This event ends when all bags have been stuffed).
January 20th, 10:00 am – 2:00 pm

Kids Night Out
Parents, drop off your kids for a fun Friday night with qualified staff members for a Kids Night Out. They’ll order pizza for dinner and keep the children entertained with games, swimming, movies and sports. $25 per child for Y members and $30 for the community. A 20% discount is offered per child for those with two or more children. Go out for the night and take advantage of this low-cost alternative to hiring a babysitter. Everyone wins!
February 7th, 6:00 – 10:00 pm

February Vacation Week is around the corner!

  • Out of School Time Vacation Programs are structured similarly to a day at camp, with  a mix of activities such as fun games, creative projects, and free swim.
  • Sports Vacation Clinics may include soccer, basketball, baseball, swimming, and more.
  • There’s also a new Creative Arts Vacation Program which includes visual art, singing, and dancing for kids 5-7 and music for kids 10-12.

February 18th – February 21st

West Suburban YMCA
276 Church Street, Newton

February events at Historic Newton (including February Break)

Everyone is invited to enjoy free admission to the museums.
February 1st and February 2nd, 10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Jackson Homestead and Museum, 527 Washington Street, and the Durant-Kenrick House and Grounds, 286 Waverley Avenue
Information: 617-796-1450

The free, bi-weekly Storytime program engages kids 0 months to 3 years old by focusing on literacy, Newton’s history, play, and lessons from our museums. Families are welcome to bring older siblings. This week’s theme is “Winter.”
February 1st, 9:30 am
Jackson Homestead and Museum, 527 Washington Street
Information: 617-796-1450 Continue reading

Boys* Move and Groove Hip Hop/Breakdancing Class

In this 60 minute class students age 6-11 years old will develop strength, coordination and rhythm by incorporating hip hop and b-boy moves, breakdancing, basic tumbling and fancy footwork! Gain confidence, poise and have fun! No experience necessary!

Boys Move and Groove is taught by the experienced faculty at the Joanne Langione Dance Center in West Newton. Learn more about this class and other class offerings for kids ages 6mo – 18 years at www.jldancecenter.com. Enrollment is ongoing throughout the year.

Call or email 617-969-8724 or angela@jldancecenter.com with additional questions or to set up a free trial.

*While all JLDC classes are coed, this class is designed for those looking for an all boys experience.

Spring Semester begins February 4th (no class on Feb. or April School Vacation weeks)Tuesdays, 1:15 – 2:15 pm

The 52nd Annual MLK Community Celebration

Join the 52nd Annual MLK Community Celebration. The program theme this year focuses on Knowing Your Neighbor.

•Featured performances will include Newton North’s Jubilee Singers, The Treble Singers, The Gospel Love Tones, and Newton’s first MLK Day Community Choir!

•Hear the voices of Newton Public Schools students as reflected in their Monologue Projects.

•Following the event, The Harmony Foundation and MLK Day Planning Committee will co-host a Community Reception (coffee and refreshments) and an Engagement and Activism Fair–Learn more about important local organizations and ways to become involved in Newton, and get to know your neighbors!

•Story Starters of Newton will host a story time and craft for younger kids (with their caregivers) starting at 10:30 am.

•The Rotary Club of Newton will also be collecting toiletry items to donate to Newton’s Food Pantries.

January 20th, 9:30 am – 12:00 noon
The First Baptist Church, 848 Beacon Street, Newton Centre

Cradles to Crayons annual MLK Day Clothing Drive

Cradles to Crayons annual MLK Day Clothing Drive is looking for donations of gently used or new clothing, shoes, and coats to be dropped off at participating Police Stations including the Newton Police Department and the PD Annex.

Donations are being accepted now and participation by those in our community who are able to would make a great difference to this initiative. Please help Cradles to Crayons and the children in low-income situations whom they serve with these essential items free of charge.

Check out the flyer here: MLK Day Clothing Drive

For questions, please contact  Chris Bavaro at cbavaro@cradlestocrayons.org