Tag Archives: elem mid high
Congratulations Alexandra Etscovitz – Elementary Art Teacher of the Year
Congratulations to Alexandra Etscovitz, just named the Elementary Art Teacher of the Year. Alexandra Etscovitz has been teaching at Memorial-Spaulding Elementary School for 15 years, the same school she once attended as a child…..
Read more about her and this prestigious award from the Massachusetts Art Education Association here: MAEA
The MAEA Board of Directors are looking forward to honoring and celebrating the 2019 MAEA Art Educators of the Year.
The awards ceremony has been scheduled for March 16th, 11:00 – 11:50 am in Meeting Room 310/Center at the Hynes Convention Center, 900 Boylston Street, Boston, MA. Registration for the NAEA Convention is NOT required to attend the MAEA Awards Ceremony which is open to the public.
School Committee Update

Dear Friends,
This update is for the 2/11/2019 Newton School Committee meeting:
Superintendent Update
- Memorial-Spaulding teacher Alexandra Escovitz has been named Art Teacher of the Year
- Steven Rattendi has been hired as the permanent Director of Information Technology (IT)
New Business
- Mary Eich, Assistant Superintendent for Teaching and Learning, was joined by Steven Rattendi, Director of IT, to present an Update on Information Technology and Libraries. This included an overview of the department, as well as information on database management, the new 1:1 laptop initiative in the high schools, network infrastructure, and G (Google) Suite Expansion.
- Liam Hurley, Chief Financial Officer, and Julie Kirrane, Director of Business and Planning, presented an FY19 Fiscal and Operations Update showing NPS in good fiscal health.
- Liam Hurley and Julie Kirrane also presented the Facilities Update, which included information regarding the Cabot School Building Project, the Lincoln-Eliot/NECP School Building Projects, the Cabot and Horace Mann School moves, the MSBA Accelerated Repair Program, the Lincoln-Eliot Heating and Building Envelope Project, 225 Nevada Street (Carr) improvements. They also provided updates on heating issues, the Franklin Kindergarten wing, and the revised plans for solar panels at Brown Middle School.
- We reviewed the System-wide goals for 2018 – 2019 followed by a mid-year check in on the Superintendent’s Goals.
Old Business
- We reviewed new language for an “Online Fundraising and Solicitation – Crowdsourcing” Policy.
Consent Agenda
- The School Committee voted unanimously to approve several grants.
- The School Committee voted unanimously to approve E-Rate Funds.
- The School Committee voted unanimously to not approve a donation to Zervas Elementary.
- The School Committee voted unanimously to approve a 1-Day liquor license to Mason-Rice Elementary.
- The School Committee voted unanimously to approve the 1/28/2019 minutes.
Next Meeting
Our next meeting is a special meeting on Monday March 4 at 5:30 p.m. This meeting with include a discussion of NPS’ use of academic data, as well as votes on the Countryside Statement of Interest to the MSBA and the Brown solar panels. While there is no public comment at special meetings, you can always reach us by email or phone.
We hope you found this summary useful. You can access all School Committee meeting documents via the NPS website (www.newton.k12.ma.us/schoolcommittee). Additionally, if you are interested in watching an SC meeting from home or a recorded meeting, you can obtain access via www.newtv.org.
As always, we are very happy to answer any questions or discuss any concerns you may have. Please feel free to contact us via the email address below.
The Newton School Committee
FORJ Meeting (Families Organizing for Racial Justice)
Join in an interactive evening with Madeline McNeely, founder of Conditioning Leaders. She is a facilitator, trainer, coach and consultant who will share practices gleaned from her most popular trainings on good group leadership practices in order to help you to ensure your FORJ team is operating at its best. This is a special opportunity for your FORJ team to reflect on your experiences and learn helpful tools for sustainability and success!
Please register here for the February 12th Meeting: https://goo.gl/forms/T8j6TXkyN0OCOOkz1
February 12th, 7:00 – 9:00 pm (with optional school group time at 6:30 pm or 9:00pm)
Angier Elementary School
Newton CPA Program: Upcoming Funding Deadline and February 12th Meeting
Newton’s next CPA funding deadline is sooner than you think!
If your project is aiming for the fall 2019 funding round, contact Alice Ingerson at aingerson@newtonma.gov or 617-796-1144 by March 29th to request an in-person orientation meeting. This meeting is required as the first step in the funding process.
The agenda and pre-meeting packet for the next CPC meeting on February 12th are now online from www.newtonma.gov/cpa. All items on this agenda are committee business; no proposal or project decisions are scheduled.
Executive Function Skills in Children and Adolescents
Teach children to manage their time, space and materials ….and keep their emotions in check!
This presentation, sponsored by Newton SEPAC and Newton Public Schools, will cover powerful strategies to help your child develop independent executive function; teach students to internally sense the sweep of time, self-monitor in order to sustain concentration, manage pace, and complete tasks in allocated time frames; improve students’ motivation and task initiation, help them to plan homework and long-term projects/papers, and coach students to think in an organized way; and encourage self-initiative to manage homework and personal belongings.
The presenter is Ms. Kristen Jacobsen, MS CCC-SLP, a trained speech-language pathologist who is Co-Director at the Cognitive Connections Executive Function Practice.
February 13th, 7:30 – 9:00 pm
Newton North High School Auditorium, 457 Walnut Street