An Introduction to Think:Kids Collaborative Problem Solving parenting approach

Do you ever feel frustrated with your child? Find yourself shouting often and imposing punishments or rewards in reaction to challenging behavior? Do you wish you had a more effective parenting approach that also helps to build a better relationship between you and your child?

The Think:Kids Collaborative Problem Solving (CPS) parenting approach provides parents with concrete tools to better understand and parent their kids in the face of day-to-day challenges – e.g., getting to school, homework, screen time – and more serious challenges.

CPS helps parents to:

  • Foster positive relationships with their child
  • Reduce their child’s challenging behavior
  • Solve problems collaboratively and proactively
  • Build their child’s skills in self-regulation, communication and problem-solving

For more information and to register for an upcoming CPS workshop in Brookline or Needham, please visit