Stretch your mind

You are invited to Temple Ohabei Shalom’s TOS Talks Speaker series where great thinkers share their big ideas from the fields of art, culture, ethics, health, religion, science, and politics, followed by provocative Q & A’s led by Temple Ohabei Shalom’s Rabbi Sonia Saltzman. Stretch your mind this Spring.

The first talk, on April 13th, features Loretta Claiborne. Loretta is a World Class Athlete who happens also to be a Special Olympics Athlete and a person who has an intellectual disability. She will speak about her journey from Anger to Inspiration.

On May 18th, bestselling author Ron Lieber will explore the connection between values and money—Ron is a wonderful speaker, especially appealing to parents of children of all ages looking for guidance in this area!

Complimentary light refreshment follows each speaker. Tickets can be purchased on Eventbrite at: More information can be found on the website: