Kosmic Kids is an hour long movement class coupled with kid-friendly teachings on expression, mindfulness, community, and music appreciation. Instructor Nicole Churchill, MA, MT-BC, has combined her experience as a Board Certified Music Therapist and Movement facilitator with her trainings in psychodrama, mindfulness and meditation to offer a class where kids can joyfully move and groove, all the while learning how to express themselves in healthy, mindful ways! Classes will include a gratitude circle, expressive movement/dance, singing & percussion, dramatic play, story-telling and a cool-down time emphasizing breath, mindfulness, and self-calming techniques.
Classes at Samadhi, 796 Beacon St, Newton. For more information contact Nicole at 617-243-0034 or nicole@samadhiintegral.com.
FREE TRIAL CLASS March 19th (Early release “Wednesday” due to MCAS)
Ages 4-6: 1:15-2:15 pm
Ages 7-10: 2:30-3:30 pm
Classes: TUESDAYS March 25 – May 20
Ages 4-6: 1:15-2:15 pm
Ages 7-10: 2:30-3:30 pm
Cost: $180/ 10% sibling discount (not available online- please call 339-222-0736)
Link for the Free Trial Class: March 19th: http://samadhiintegral.com/index.php/events/detail/kosmic-kids-free-trial-class
Link for the Series March 25 – May 20th : http://samadhiintegral.com/index.php/events/detail/kosmic-kids
Please note: There will be no class on Tuesday, April 22nd due to Spring Break.
This is a drop-off class, please arrive 15 minutes before the 1st class to fill out paperwork
Children should wear comfortable clothing and bring a water bottle.