February Vacation Week is Almost Here… Come Join Vacation Care at Underwood

This time around, they’re packing in Live Reptiles from Zoo New England, Video Game
Tournaments on site, a trip to JUMP ON IN play space, and a magic workshop by a
Professional Magician. In addition, there will be activities playing outside or in the gym
every day to stay active!

The charge for Vacation Care is $65.00 per day, inclusive of activities, trips/transportation, and snacks. The charge is $75.00 per day for children who are not enrolled in the Underwood After School Program. The total amount due must be paid in advance for each day that your child enrolls. Payments are non-refundable for families who are signed up but do not attend.

To register or for questions, contact Kate or Kristin in person, by phone: 617-244-1810, or
by email: info@underwoodafterschool.org.