Waban Improvement Society Progressive Dinner

The Waban Improvement Society invites you to its TENTH annual village-wide Progressive Dinner, Saturday March 9. It’s a great way to see old friends and meet new neighbors. The evening will begin at 7:00 pm when you will join a small group of neighbors for appetizers in the home of your first hosts. You will then move to the home of your second hosts for the main course with a new group of neighbors. The evening culminates with all guests coming together for dessert in one home at 9:30 pm. We hope that you will be able to attend and will offer to host a course at your home.

Please RSVP by February 28 to Theresa Fitzpatrick at tabilel@yahoo.com When you RSVP please let us know: 1. Name(s) of attendee(s) 2. Address, phone number and email 3. Which course you would like to host (appetizer or main course) or whether you can bring a side dish and beverage or dessert $15.00 per person for Waban Improvement Society Members $20.00 per person for non-members*

For more information check out our website at www.wabanimprovement.org * Proceeds to

benefit WIS neighborhood activities.