Project Manna Concert’s 30th anniversary

Come celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Project Manna Concert. This spring marks the 30th anniversary of a sacred partnership between two communities of faith, Temple Emanuel of Newton and the Mass Avenue Baptist Church of Cambridge. For 30 years they’ve been doing Project Manna concerts together, which raise funds that support the food pantry and soup kitchen at the church.

Project Manna is a double blessing, helping feed the hungry, and in an age of division, black and white, Christian and Jew, church and synagogue, coming together in love. They are the sum of their commitments that they renew and deepen. Renew and deepen your commitment to decency, to repair, to building bridges. Renew and deepen your commitment to sacred song that inspires sacred deed.

All proceeds support the church’s Project Manna hot meals program and food pantry to benefit the homeless and hungry. Tickets are $20.00 for adults and $15.00 for students and seniors, and can be purchased online.

April 2nd,  7:00 pm
Temple Emanuel, 385 Ward Street,  Newton

Choirs participating:

Massachusetts Avenue Baptist Church
Massachusetts Avenue Children’s Choir
Timothy Baptist Church
Boston Children’s Chorus
Shir Shalom, Temple Shalom
Temple Beth El Center – Belmont
Kol Emanuel, Temple Emanuel
Guys in Ties
Kol Keff