Please come to a family dinner and great live music (Loose Change and others) at the Congregational Church, 54 Lincoln Street, in Newton Highlands on December 21, 6PM-12AM. Luke’s Lights was was born of a wish by Luke Voss-Kernan’s
friends and family to spread his light far and wide by buying solar lights for communities in the third world who live off the electrical grid.
Join us for an evening of light and friendship. Our fundraiser on December 21 will be a celebration of Luke’s shimmer and his lightness of being. All proceeds will go towards a project of Unite-to-Light to bring lights to communities around the globe that otherwise live in darkness. For your $20 ticket fee, two lights get sent to someone who cannot yet imagine how his/her life will change. We will also be selling the actual LED lights there for $20 each. You get to keep one; and another one gets sent to someone in need.
Buy tickets here. Sign up to bring potluck food here.