Gap Program Information Session

COVID-19 has turned our lives upside down. In response, many students are asking if this pandemic presents the opportunity to pursue a different avenue instead of the direct transition into higher learning. A gap year – a break from traditional academics – is a chance to explore, pause, and reflect before entering the next step of academia. Students use this time to gain a better understanding of themselves and the type of impact they want to have on the world.

TeenLife’s Virtual Gap Program Information Session will allow parents, students, and educators to learn about a variety of gap programs in a short amount of time. There will be three sessions each with six different organizations presenting. You can sign up for one or all sessions!

The event is free, but registration is required. Hosted by TeenLife and The Gap Year Association. Register here: Gap Year Program. Please email if you have any questions.

December 10th, 5 – 8 pm