Newton Girls Softball rocks!

Girls of all experience levels learn about and play softball together while forging friendships and fostering fun.

Register soon (by January 31st to save $15.00) for Newton Girls Softball, a recreational league for Newton girls in grades K-7. For information and to register, visit

NGS welcomes players of all skill levels and will provide your daughter with an experience that promotes positive self-esteem, team spirit, and individual growth through personal achievement and as a team member. Register her now, you’ll be glad you did!

2020 Registration Dates:
January 31st: Deadline to register without paying a late fee.
February 28th: Deadline to register with guaranteed placement and pair-me-with rights. A $15 late fee will be applied.
February 28th: Last day to withdraw and receive a full refund. Sorry, no refunds after this date.
March 1st – April 15th: Still accepting registrations. Player is placed on the wait list, no pair-me-with rights, and a $15 late fee. Openings filled on a first come, first served basis