With hundreds of hours of experience tutoring students between 5 and 20 years of age, Kyle Pilachowski, originally from Westford, MA, and now a current sophomore at Boston College, understands the importance of education from an early age and loves to work with children to expand their knowledge, recognize their strengths, and grow intellectually. He has tutored in a variety of subjects including mathematics (algebra, trigonometry, calculus, and areas geared toward elementary and middle school levels), science (biology, chemistry, and earth science), foreign language (Spanish), and business (finance and accounting).
Now majoring in finance and accounting at BC with a 3.9+ GPA while participating in several extracurriculars, Kyle feels a sense of pride watching students grow and learn, achieve academic successes, and gain self-confidence. To connect with him for availability and rates, please contact him via phone at 978-799-8765 or email at pilachok@bc.edu.