There’s still plenty of time to work on college prep before the school year starts! Come take an SAT or ACT practice test at the Library. They’ll also be offering a College Essay Writing Workshop in August as well!
SAT & ACT Practice Tests, August 12th and 19th, 10:00 am – 2:00 pm, Druker Auditorium:
How will you score? Find out by taking full-length SAT and ACT practice tests under realistic testing conditions proctored by the Princeton Review. Try your hand at the types of questions you’ll see on the real tests and get a personalized score report highlighting your strengths and areas of improvement. We’ll be offering this two Saturdays in a row, so you can have the chance to take both tests if you would like, or take one test twice! Register online for August 12th and for August 19th.
How to Write Great College Essays, August 15th, 7:00 pm, Druker Auditorium:
A lot of great kids write average college essays—essays about “life lessons learned from football” or “how my trip to Europe broadened my cultural horizons.” Better tales are there for the writing. This workshop will show you what admissions officers really look for in great college essays, and offer suggestions for finding and sharing your best stories. We’ll even share the five most over-used topics you must avoid and give you tips on how to start (and even finish) your essays this summer. Join Abby van Geldern, of Collegewise Newton and former college admissions counselor at RPI, for this great workshop. For teens and adults. Register online.