STEAM Summer Program for kids ages 6-12

Come to an Open House for the STEAM Summer Program for kids ages 6-12 in Brighton. From puzzles and games to programming and painting, there is something for every student! The Studio of Engaging Math’s summer program offers kids the chance to experience just how fun science, math and engineering can be.

The hands on activities focus on the most engaging and exciting STEAM topics: science, technology, engineering, art & math. Learn about geometry by drawing tessellations and making beautiful origami. Study structure support by building bridges. Play strategy games to strengthen critical thinking and reasoning. Build a house of your dreams with a 3D modeling program. Learn how to program by making your own video games and animations. Have fun and learn at the same time! For more information, please visit: or 617-903-3168.

Open House February 26th, 6:00 – 8:00 pm
Studio of Engaging Math