The Newton Ligerbots are going to the World Championships

The Newton Ligerbots are going to the World Championships, but need your financial support.

The LigerBots are the joint robotics team of Newton North and South High Schools, which competes in the FIRST FRC competition. The team has had a great season this year. They won the District competition at Worchester Polytechnic, and came in second at the Northeastern competition. This earned them a spot at the New England Championships at Boston University. On Monday, after the BU event, they were invited to go to the World Championships in St. Louis on April 23-26 (less than 1 week away).

However, this is the best the team has ever done and the additional expense of going to St. Louis was quite unexpected. The LigerBots have received a number of supplemental grants from our generous sponsors, but there is still a very large shortfall. The team families are ready to pay substantial amounts to make this happen, but not everyone can afford it. The team has members from all parts of Newton and all income levels.

Please consider making a tax deductible donation to the LigerBots to help offset the cost of the trip. You can donate online at . Alternately, you can send a check to the Newton Schools Foundation and please be sure to write “LigerBots Championship” on the check memo so that the money is earmarked for the LigerBots.

If you want to learn more about the team, the web site is
You can see videos of many of the LigerBots’ recent matches on the home page. The LigerBots are Team 2877.

Thanks for any support you can provide.