Poems, Prayers, & Songs for Peace + Unity, May 20

Poems, Prayers, and Songs for Peace and Unity: An Interfaith Call for Healing and Peace in our World

In honor of the victims and survivors of the Boston Marathon bombings. Donations to the One Fund for the victims will be accepted.

Come join others from many faiths to share your hopes, wishes, and dreams for peace in our world and unity among our human family. Bring a poem, prayer or song to share or just come to listen and be with others who share a similar interest in peace and unity.

All ages are welcome. An art table will be available for anyone who wishes to draw or create something. Light healthy refreshments will be served at the close of the program.

Newton Free Library, Druker Auditorium
Monday, May 20th

Sponsored by the Newton Bahá’í Community and the Peacemakers Class of Newton